Thursday, July 10, 2008

I always wondered why mammaries would be misty, water-colored.

1) Post a comment on my blog about a memory you have of me (could be long ago or recent).2) Next, repost these instructions on your blog & see how many people leave a memory about you. If you don't blog, leave a comment anyway & I'll post my memory of you here on my blog.Here's to hearing about the misty, water-colored memories. Should be fun!


Anners said...

Your memory has totally inflated my ego (thank you). So nice - I will go back to that whenever I feel dumpy.

My memories of Lisa are as follows:

Math Lab: Lip Sync - you rocked the joint, you were amazing, riveting and anything else along those lines. The wig was sooooo you. Also, pushing you on the book cart as you waved (parade-like) on your "float" down the school hallways. I think you even waved to our principal (sooooo Erniesh). And, this is less specific, but probably the most important. I learned so much from you this year about compassion, service and kindness. You with the little guy that had Asbergers (spelling??) & how great you were with him & the day he finally smiled when he passed things off - priceless. Deffinetely one of your finest moments!!! I will always take that with me.

From the day I met you we connected. There is a lightness and an energy to you that I have always admired. Thanks for being my friend.

p.s. I miss you! But, I am glad you blog (:

Matilda said...

Seriously...where do I begin.

My FIRST memory is Kelly at my door, and saying "O, how old is you baby? My wife is getting ours out of the car!" And I looked across the street, and you were bent over in the car, getting Bran out. So technically, I met your butt first! :)

Then there was the time you guys bought Bran Teva's/ I thought you were nuts, buying a baby name brand sandles! :)

There was the day I realizes how shirt you actually are. I think you were standing next to me at church. It was amazing to me, cuz at that point, I knew your insides, and the are NOT short!!

Of course I have girls camp mammories, involving fudge shaped like poop, and sneaking up on people who overreact.

Forever etched in my fragile brain, is the episode in the park. But more so, the way you "recovered" from the whole thing.

You will forever be my example of someone who knows how to forgive.

I love you, and miss you!

K, now go to mine!! :)

Vickie said...

I'll always remember that you brought flowers over to us after Kent's mother died and said, "It SUCKS!" Because it totally did.