Thursday, July 10, 2008

Annie Dow Giving Out the Homework

Annie wrote in her blog: "I'm reading a really good book right now called Eat, Pray, Love. There is a part in the book where she is having a conversation with one of her Italian friends about what their word is. Trick is, it has to be a verb. It would be easier if you could chose an adjective, but that is part of what makes this interesting. Her word is SEEK. It made me think, "what is my word?". It came pretty quickly to me, my word is BECOME. I decided to look up the definition in the dictionary to see if it equated to what I was feeling. Sure does. Become: to grow to be; change or develop into by growth (i.e. a tadpole becomes a frog) or (Annie becomes a teacher, more compassionate and stronger).Anyway, what's your word? I'll give you extra credit if you look up the definition (see I'm becoming a teacher already)."

My word is "be." This is a state-of-being verb. This is to exist or live: Shakespeare's “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question. Every day I need to ask myself: "What do I want to be today?" Happy, at peace, guilt-ridden, lonely, angry, hateful, grateful, joyful, radiant, loved, loveable, loving. I have to choose every day to "BE" something. I will always BE Lisa Amott. But what Lisa do I choose?


Vickie said...

What a great thought-provoking post. Something to think about.

Anners said...

Will you post your word on my blog? I loved it & I think it is thought provoking. Thanks for playing.

Matilda said...

Those are both great! And yes, very thought provoking. I have been provoked. Hmmmm Maybe that is my word...