Thursday, September 23, 2010


My Grandmother's funeral was wonderful. So many people said nice things about Ruth. It was really great to hear that she was nice to other people. Even her Branch President spoke and cried. None of the family who spoke cried.

It was also good to see family that I haven't seen for years. Cousins who are getting older just like me... but they still look great...just like me.

Seeing friends was also important on this trip. And I saw some great ones.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and I don't like it. I guess I like to do things on my terms. But this weekend will end and it will be a great Women of Today Convention (that I got wrangled into helping with and really don't want to go to because I really don't like conventions and I have already been to three and that is just enough for me and I will never have to go to another one ever again.)

1 comment:

Erin said...

We missed you at Nickle Dickle days! Hang in there this weekend at the convention and I can't wait until the weekend after!