Saturday, October 16, 2010


A month ago I was in Utah for my grandmother's funeral. Then the 24th and 25th of September I was in Brooklyn Park, MN. It was a Women of Today State Convention. I had to go because I was on the committee. I was on the committee because...I am not sure why. I think I got suckered into it.  It was a nice convention.  I think the problem is that I have been to 4 convention is the two years I have been in Women of Today.  I also don't like paperwork.  One of my classes was all about the wonderful paperwork that can be done.

Then October 1, 2, 3 I was with my own chapter of Women of Today in wonderful Tyler, MN.

One of our members grew up in Tyler and we stayed in the Danebod Folk School. It was relaxing...until Shelly grabbed my leg from under the bed...and fun and wonderful and we ate and laughed until our sides hurt.

We also went "shopping" at the Rummage Sale- from 1-3 Everything Free. Free crappy stuff!!! Yeah!!! Especially when one of our party was back at the school getting a massage. She got lots of crappy stuff as gifts from us.

The kids are doing great in school. Dara is a smarty pants. She must take after her dad. Brannon is doing so much better this year. Yeah Ritalin!!!

This is a song that Elder Price wrote and sang with one of his companions.

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Wow, you are busy. This weekend we went to Amanda' baptism and confirmation. It's amazing the transformation that comes from making right choices. She and Chris are doing amazing. The only downside to this weekend was having to pick up Linda, luckily she feel asleep on the way home.