Friday, October 29, 2010

PMS & Peri-menopause

So what happens when I have PMS AND Peri-Menopause all in one day?  Crying...for no reason.  Crying in front of a perfect stranger who happens to be a sheriff's deputy giving you a ticket for speeding.  Then when he asks if you are okay, I start laughing AND crying.  He starts to think there is something really wrong and arrests me. No!!! Not really.  But he did think I was crazy.  I suppose I am. 

These dwarves are my new best friends. 


Erin said...

A speeding ticket???

Jacqueline said...

How I hated it when those dwarves showed up on my doorstep. Read the info at Women to Women dot com for tons of helpful tips for dealing with fuzzing thinking, moodiness, hot flashes, etc. that accompany perimenopause. Good luck!

Jewels said...

You make going through peri-menopause sound like so much fun. I can't wait.

Val said...

I am SO glad I'm old enough for that yet, LOL.