Saturday, October 4, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunting

Today the weather was beautiful. A very lovely October day. The sun was shining. The crickets were chirping and the grasshoppers were hopping. We went to a tree farm and picked out our Christmas Tree. Amazing how lovely the trees are when you are not freezing and looking at them from under florescent lighting. Then after Thanksgiving, we will go and get a wagon ride to our tree, they will cut it down and bag it for us. How nice.

I also got some white peaches which take me back to when my mom's dad was alive and had his gardens. These peaches are so sweet that when you can them you don't use sugar. They are amazing. This was a great day. Kelly's favorite part of this day was when we were at the deli and I put my head on his shoulder. It was magical for him. I was tired. It was magical for me, too. Spontenaiety is a great thing in a marriage. Brannon's voice is getting even deeper, if that is possible. Ohh, yeeeaaaahhhh. (in a Barry White voice).

Bran just said to Dara, "You are so slow. You make a snail look like a freakin' cheetah." Oh, the teen years...

Dara is getting taller and more smarter. Hardy har har. I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-R-T. Actually, Dara is very smart and also very good at NOT cleaning her room.


Matilda said...

FUN picking out a tree! I know how you love that!
Oh yeeeeaaaahhh, it's deep. Nick's is too, except when he screams and it squeaks... lol...

Remember when they were babies...*sigh*

Matilda said...

Oh ya, I love Dara... :) Her hair still astounds me.

lizzie said...

That is so cool that you got to pick out a tree. I am so jealous. Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun there. I can't believe how grown up the kids are getting.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I miss picking out our Christmas Tree (we used to cut them down every year in Oregon). Now we have a fake one because, as I'm sure you noticed driving through, Cheyenne is not known for it's abundance of trees...